Macon Cares COVID-19 Hotline
If you need information about COVID-19 or assistance, call our COVID-19 Hotline at 334-487-4004.
COVID-19 Hotline: 334-487-4004

Macon-Russell Community Action Agency, Inc. will begin scheduling appointments for the LIHEAP HEATING PROGRAM March 8, 2021 @ 8:00 CST/9:00 EST
Eligibility Requirements
- Previous month’s income
- SS CARDS for everyone in the household.
- Valid ID
- Recent Heating Bill
Russell County Appointment Line – (334) 408-4066
Online: http://mrcaa-russell.cascheduler.com
Macon County Appointment Line – (334) 439-4009
Online: http://mrcaa-macon.cascheduler.com
Application Process:
- Schedule your appointment.
- Pick up an Application Packet from office.
- Return completed application to the office’s drop-box.
- Applications must be returned 24 hours prior to appointment.
**Appointments do not guarantee assistance. This program is based on fund availability.
If there are any questions regarding requirements/applications, please contact the local office.
Russell County – 334-298-6610
Macon County – 334-727-6100
Macon-Russell Community Action Agency, Inc.
We are now accepting appointments for NEW CLIENTS ONLY that have been affected by COVID19.
- Must meet income eligibility and be a NEW CLIENT (Never received assistance from our agency)
- Must have been directly impacted by COVID19:
- Household lost income (reduction in work hours)
- Household member lost job
- Household had additional expenses
- Household contracted the disease
Documentation will be required to determine eligibility. Please call the appointment line on
February 1, 2021 @ 8:00 a.m. CST
Macon County – (334) 439-4009
Russell County – (334) 408-4066
Emergency Rental Assistance Alabama

On February 12, 2021, Governor Kay Ivey authorized AHFA to implement the State’s new COVID-19 emergency rental assistance program. Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Alabama is funded entirely by a $263 million congressional grant under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (the “Act”). Issuing a declaration of public emergency, AHFA is presently developing a program for processing online applications statewide, by landlords and renters.
AHFA’s ERA Alabama program customer service center is up and running, and ready to answer questions. Interested parties may call (833) 620-2434 with questions about the program. AHFA expects to accept applications from landlords and tenants for ERA Alabama beginning March 1 at 8 a.m. Central Time.
For more information, visit https://eraalabama.com/ and www.ahfa.com
Separate from ERA Alabama, the Act also funds separate rental assistance programs serving residents of Baldwin, Madison, Mobile, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, and Jefferson Counties, and the cities of Huntsville and Birmingham. Renter households in those jurisdictions should apply to those local programs first. AHFA is developing specific information to assist applicants from those jurisdictions on where/how they should apply.
Anticipated Eligibility Requirements
In order to receive financial assistance through ERA, tenants must meet all of the following:
- Have a valid rental agreement in their name
- Household’s total gross income cannot exceed 80% Area Median Income for location
- The household has experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19, for example:
- Being laid off
- Place of employment has closed
- Reduction in hours of work
- Loss of spousal/child support
- Inability to find work due to COVID-19
- Having to stay home with children due to closure of day care / school
- Unable to participate in previous employment due to the workplace’s high risk of severe illness from COVID-19
Anticipated Documentation
- Proof of income (pay stubs, bank statements, letter from employer, award letters, pension)
- Valid lease or other written documentation of landlord-tenant relationship
Coverage of Rent and Utility Costs
ERA Alabama can help renters with the following costs starting as far back as March 13, 2020:
- Past due, current and up to 3 months of expected rent costs
- Past due, current or up to 3 months of expected utility and home energy expenses
- After the initial 3 months of forward assistance, you can apply for 3 additional months of assistance if funds are still available
While applicants may be assisted for up to 15 months, ERA Alabama will not commit funds for prospective (future) rent for more than a 3-month period at a time. Applicants must reapply every 3 months and will only be assisted if funds are still available.
Funding for ERA is made available through Alabama’s allocation from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program funded by the U.S. Department of Treasury. AHFA is the administrator for the state of Alabama.